Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last day for 0809S2R3

Today is the last day of us working in MSC Gio. We all had fun.

Goodbye to Feryani, Jean, Melvin, HuiZe, Mervyn and ShuYing.

Both seniors and juniors.

Jiayou to the juniors! And remember to update this blog, especially the About Us. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Arrivals

We've recently had a lot of new arrivals for both men and ladies.

There are discounts for almost every new arrival!

Come to our store now to look at more designs.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Check back soon!

Hi everybody!

These are our current promotions...

(click to enlarge)

We also have many many new arrivals and promotions.

Photos will be up soon.

So check out our blog again. But if you can't wait, then come to our shop directly.

Hope to see you~~